Our Classrooms
Infant Classroom
Our Infant Classroom
Our infant room is all about play, napping, and lots of snuggling with our teachers. We love to play peek-a-boo, look at picture books, listen to music, and curl up in our teacher's arms. While we may be the smallest class, our room is filled with lots of love. Our priority is to create an environment where babies feel secure and individually loved. With the young infants, we have plenty of tummy time and rocking time. As they grow, we focus on sitting, recognizing their name and faces around them and utilizing their motor skills by holding toys. We will also invite them to some independent play time. By the time your infant turns one, he/she will be working on holding his/her own bottle or cup, walking without assistance, beginning to self- feed, and waving hello and goodbye. Each child develops at his own pace, and we desire to encourage and love your child as he grows into a toddler.
Infant's Daily Schedule
Take a Look at What Our Day Looks Like
7:00-8:00am Arrival/Free Centers/Language activities
8:00-9:00am Breakfast (Older infants-free centers)/Routine Care*
9:00-10:00am Nap Time/Quiet activities/Free centers
10:00-10:05am Prepare to take “awake” infants outside
10:05-10:35am Outside time**/Gross motor play/Routine care*
10:35-11:00am Art offered to older infants/Free centers
11:00-11:30am Lunch time for older infants/Routine care*
11:30-12:15pm Story Time/Free centers
12:15-12:45pm Outside time**/Indoor gross motor play
12:45-1:00pm Free choice/Routine care*
1:00-2:15pm Nap Time/Quiet activities/Free centers
2:15-2:45pm Outdoor time**/Indoor gross motor play/Routine care*
2:45-3:00pm Snack time for older infants/Free Choice
3:00-6:00pm Departures/Free centers/Routine care*
*Infants will be fed as needed and diapered (at least every 2 hours); this is listed as “routine care” on the schedule
**Weather permitting:
Infants will receive 1 hour of outside time daily, weather permitting. Staff will take out mats/blankets for the infants to sit/lay on with balls, cars, and other materials for them to
access while outdoors.
Staff must facilitate gross motor play (using gross motor equipment) indoors on days when the children cannot be taken outdoors.

Curriculum In Our Infant Classroom
The philosophy of The Creative Curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. The Creative Curriculum is built on theories of development in young children, that all children learn through active exploration of their environment and therefore the environment plays a critical role in learning.
The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum designed to help teachers and caregivers implement developmentally appropriate practices and offer responsive daily routines and meaningful experiences that nurture learning and development.
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills.